World accepted Coirmedia. Begin your journey for better growth.
Upgrade to our modern, soilless strawberry growing technique for a complete change in your strawberry farm. We’ll use innovative harvesting techniques to help you achieve higher yields.
Upgrade your strawberry farming from traditional soil-based methods to efficient above-ground systems. This transition will help you to improve your fields and adopt modern harvesting techniques. Our experts have 25 years of research and development experience and are here to assist you in transitioning your strawberry farms to the latest growing methods.
We understand that predicting ground-soil conditions has become more difficult and that the evolving industry standards for pesticides present an ongoing challenge. In-ground planting is susceptible to threats from adverse weather, soil-borne diseases, and insects. By choosing above-ground planting, you can produce higher-quality fruit, utilize available space more effectively, and create a more efficient work environment that puts you back in control of your farm.
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World accepted Coirmedia. Begin your journey for better growth.